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Top 5 Acrobatic Benefits

Top 5 benefits of doing Acrobatics Acrobatics as a sport and art form has been around decades and has been growing rapidly in recent years. Many dancers taking part to improve their flexibility and precision but also due to its many other benefits. In this article we will be exploring all these benefits that come […]

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Acrobatics vs Gymnastics

What is the difference between Acrobatics vs gymnastics  This is one of the most asked question parents have, when we mention that we offer acrobatics and tumbling but not gymnastics. While the two are very similar, it’s the execution that makes them different. Both require the performance of extraordinary physical feats such as balance, agility,

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“Also known as Acro, Acrobatics Dance, Acrobatics Sport or Acrobatic gymnastics”  What is Acrobatics? Acrobatics is the performance of extraordinary feats of balance, agility, and motor coordination. It can be found in many of the performing arts as well as in many sports. Acrobatics is most often associated with activities that make extensive use of gymnastic

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